In Ukraine, there are plans to introduce electronic deferments from mobilization via the mobile application "Reserve+". This new service may be launched as early as November this year.
This information was shared by the Deputy Minister of Defense for Digitalization, Ekaterina Chernogorenko, during a telethon titled "Unified News." According to her, the service is currently undergoing testing and will be available with the next app update.
The first to receive an online deferment within minutes will be individuals with disabilities, as well as students and postgraduate students. Later, the service will also be available to parents of multiple children.
"First and foremost, deferments for individuals with disabilities will be processed directly. We are working to gradually add all other types of deferments. Our goal is to enable all categories eligible for a deferment to apply online", she stated.
Chernogorenko added that "Reserve+" is gradually becoming a convenient digital alternative to territorial recruitment centers, and in the future, all services provided by these centers will be accessible through the app.
It should be noted that in Ukraine, martial law and general mobilization have been extended since November 10. Therefore, citizens who have a deferment need to renew it.
The deferment from conscription is granted for a period corresponding to the current legal grounds but not exceeding the time specified in the presidential decree on mobilization. A lawyer explained how to extend it and avoid misunderstandings with the recruitment centers.
Following the new presidential decree on the extension of martial law and general mobilization, citizens with a deferment must submit an application for its extension along with supporting documents. The lawyer advises submitting documents in advance to avoid the risk of conscription while waiting for the commission's decision from the recruitment center.
After submitting the application, wait for the results of the review. The commission must verify the information through the Unified State Register of Conscripts. If additional documents are needed, the recruitment center will notify you.
Previously, "Telegraph" reported who will be granted deferments from mobilization in November. Men who are temporarily unfit for service cannot be conscripted.