В субботу, 1 февраля, в Ровенском областном территориальном центре комплектования прогремел взрыв.

On Saturday, February 1, an explosion occurred at the Rivne regional territorial center for recruitment.

The Rivne regional recruitment center and social protection reported this.

It is known that the incident took place on February 1 at around 4:00 PM in the premises of the Rivne regional recruitment center.

Rescue services and law enforcement representatives are working at the scene to establish the circumstances of the incident. Information about the injured and the cause of the explosion is being clarified, and the area is cordoned off for safety. We ask citizens to remain calm, refrain from spreading unverified information, and wait for official statements from the competent authorities,” the message states.

The National Police later reported that as a result of the explosion, one person died and six others were injured.

Recall that on December 14, an explosion occurred in the center of Dnipro near the building of the recruitment center, resulting in one death. Several others were injured, including police officers.

On December 16, a court in Dnipro arrested a 37-year-old suspect in the terrorist act for two months without the right to bail.

On January 9, the SBU and the National Police detained a married couple of Russian agents who had made an explosive device for a terrorist act under the recruitment center in Dnipro.

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