Кабинет министров утвердил изменения, согласно которым в приложение Дія будут интегрированы медицинские сообщения.

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved changes that will integrate medical notifications into the "Diiа" app.

This was announced by the head of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, on Telegram.

"The government has approved changes to the resolution. We will soon launch medical push notifications in 'Diiа', so you won’t miss important information among a pile of SMS on your phone,” he wrote.

Thus, the app will feature notifications about:

  • prescription number and redemption code;
  • referral code to a doctor;
  • requests for data access, consent for the processing of personal data, and approval of the treatment plan.

Fedorov also added that the new service will be developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.

As a reminder, recently the "Diiа" portal reintroduced the option to obtain the first documents for a child through the comprehensive service "єMaliatko".

It was also reported that on January 11, access to birth, marriage, divorce, and name change records was restored in the "Diiа" app. Electronic documents were temporarily unavailable due to a large-scale Russian cyberattack on the registries.

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