Friday14 March 2025

Relive your childhood with this dessert: learn how to make "Bird's Milk" (video).

Perfectly suited for your most cherished celebrations.
Вспомните детство с десертом "Птичье молоко": узнайте, как его приготовить, посмотрев наше видео!

The taste of “Bird's Milk” candies is familiar to many from childhood. But what if you tried to make a dessert with that flavor?

You will be surprised at how easy it is to prepare and how delicious it turns out. The recipe was shared with us on the Instagram page "mil_alexx".

How to Make “Bird's Milk” Dessert

Ingredients for the White Layer:

  • gelatin – 15 g + 150 ml of water;
  • sour cream – 500 g;
  • powdered sugar – 120 g;

Ingredients for the Chocolate Layer:

  • hot cream – 50 ml;
  • chocolate – 100 g;

Preparation Method:

1. Prepare the white layer. To do this, pour water over the gelatin and let it swell.

2. Mix the sour cream with the powdered sugar and add the melted gelatin to the mixture.

3. Stir thoroughly and pour into a dessert bowl. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

4. Prepare the chocolate layer. Heat the cream until boiling. At the same time, melt the chocolate in another pot.

5. Pour the hot cream into the chocolate and mix. Allow to cool slightly.

6. Pour the chocolate layer over the white layer and place in the refrigerator until set.