Суд освободил военного Сергея Гнездилова от уголовной ответственности, он вернется на службу. Осенью Гнездилов публично заявил о СОЧ.

Military serviceman Sergey Gnezdilov, who publicly announced his unauthorized departure from his unit last autumn, has been released from criminal liability.

This decision was made by the judge of the Babushkinsky district court in Dnipro, as reported by "Radio Svoboda".

The motion for release from criminal liability was submitted by Gnezdilov's lawyer.

In three days, Gnezdilov is scheduled to return to service as a drone operator.

Recall that Gnezdilov stated in September of last year that he had left his unit without permission. He aimed to draw attention to the need for a clear service deadline for those mobilized. On October 9, he was detained by the employees of the State Bureau of Investigations. The following day, Gnezdilov was informed of charges of desertion (part 4 of Article 408 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The court ordered the military's arrest.

Previously, the Verkhovna Rada supported extending the period for voluntary return from unauthorized departure until March 1, 2025.

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