The average pension in Ukraine as of the end of 2024 is 5,789 hryvnias. Currently, there are 10.34 million pensioners in the country, and 26% of them receive a pension of less than 3,000 hryvnias.
This information is reported by Opendatabot.
The average pension in Ukraine is 7.5% higher than in the same period of 2023. However, inflation, which according to the National Bank reached 12% in 2024, has effectively negated this increase.
26% (or 2.68 million pensioners) receive less than 3,000 hryvnias, 18.8% (1.94 million) have pensions ranging from 4,000 to 5,000 hryvnias, 25.5% (2.63 million) receive between 5,000 and 10,000 hryvnias, and 12% (1.26 million) receive over 10,000 hryvnias.
The highest payouts for pensioners are in Kyiv, averaging around 8,000 hryvnias. The lowest pensions are in the Ternopil region, averaging about 4,500 hryvnias.
We remind you that Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal announced the adoption of legislation for a mandatory pension system with plans to launch it in 2026.
From the infographic by "Slovo i Dilo," one can learn at what age people retire and how long citizens live on average in various countries around the world.
Experts have previously identified the countries with the best and worst pension systems.
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