Friday14 March 2025

Cutest moment of the day: Zinchenko's daughter takes on her father's role at Emirates.

Photo in the Zinchenko family collection.
Очаровательный момент: дочь Зинченко играет роль папы на Эмирейтс.

The daughter of Aleksandr and Vlada Zinchenko, Eva, has become the star of the day in the "Cuteness" section.

A photo was shared on the account of the Arsenal footballer’s elder daughter, where Eva is seen posing with a ball on the empty pitch of "Emirates" – the little girl tried her hand at being a footballer.

For more vibrant photos from the lives of athletes, check out Telegram LIFESTYLE on

"Queen of Emirates," "Little Fan," "Little Beauty" – the girl was showered with compliments.

We remind you that Aleksandr and Vlada Zinchenko also have a second daughter named Leia.