Закон о повышении военного сбора и других налогов вступит в силу 1 декабря, сообщил Гетманцев.

The tax increase law will come into effect on December 1, 2024, and not today, as was previously reported.

This was announced by the head of the finance, tax, and customs policy committee, Daniil Getmantsev.

“A sleepless night is the result – the resource law will be effective from December 1, 2024. It will be published accordingly on November 30. Common sense has prevailed. Let’s consider this a typographical error. Dear accountants, we apologize for the lost nerve cells,” he wrote.

Recall that yesterday President Volodymyr Zelensky signed law No. 11416-d amending the Tax Code, which provides for an increase in the military levy and other taxes. The document had been waiting for his signature for over 40 days.

In the evening, it became known that the law has already been published and, thus, will come into effect on November 29. This means that for 28 days of the month, one tax rate (1.5%) was in effect in Ukraine, while for two days – it will be 5%.

From the infographics by "Slovo i Dilo," you can learn about the VAT rates in different countries. We have also reported on which countries have experience with military tax payments and at what rates.