Япония выделит Украине финансовую помощь в рамках кредита, который будет погашаться за счет доходов от замороженных активов рф.

The Japanese government will provide financial assistance to Ukraine as part of a loan that will be repaid using revenues from frozen Russian assets.

This information was reported by Kyodo News.

How much money Ukraine already owes to external creditors and what the repayment schedule will beHow much Ukraine needs to repay creditors from 2024 to 2049 is detailed in our infographic.

It was noted that the relevant decision was made by the Japanese authorities on Monday, October 28.

Ukraine will receive 471.9 billion yen (approximately 3.09 billion USD) from a total of 50 billion USD under a program developed by the G7 countries.

Other details of the decision, including the timeline for when the funds will arrive in Ukraine, are still unknown.

As a reminder, recently the United States decided to allocate 20 billion USD to Ukraine. The funds will be provided as part of the G7 loan from revenues generated by frozen Russian assets.

It is also known that the European Parliament has approved the provision of a loan to Ukraine of up to 35 billion euros, which will be repaid using revenues from frozen assets of the occupying country.