В Резерв+ вернули отсрочки от мобилизации для студентов, аспирантов и докторантов, сообщили в Минобороны.

Students, graduate students, and doctoral candidates now have the opportunity to apply for a deferral from mobilization through the "Reserve+" app.

This was announced by the Deputy Minister of Defense for digital development, digital transformations, and digitization, Kateryna Chernohorenko.

"Everything is functioning! Interaction with the Unified State Electronic Database on education issues has been established. This means we are reinstating deferrals for students, graduate students, and doctoral candidates in 'Reserve+'. We are also actively working to make other types of deferrals available in 'Reserve+'.", – wrote Chernohorenko.

We remind you that issues with deferrals in "Reserve+" arose after a massive cyberattack on Ukraine's state registries. On January 5, the service for deferrals was partially restored in the app – for large families.

Previously, it was reported in the Rada that this year the daytime form of education for contract graduate students, which provides the right to a deferral from mobilization, will also be canceled.

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science, Oksen Lisovoy, stated that about 200,000 men of mobilization age are enrolling in higher education institutions for fictitious studies.

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