В Генштабе подтвердили, что ночью атаковали российский аэродром Приморско-Ахтарский, который используют для хранения, подготовки и пусков шахедов.

Unmanned systems, in collaboration with other components of the Defense Forces, launched an attack on the Russian airfield "Primorsko-Akhtarsky" in the Krasnodar region last night.

This information was confirmed by the General Staff.

Military sources confirm hits and explosions in the target area, and a fire has broken out there. The assessment of the damage is ongoing.

"This facility is an operational base for aviation assets. It is used for the storage, preparation, and launch of Shahed-type drones targeting Ukraine, as well as for servicing aviation equipment operating in the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions,” the General Staff reported.

Recall that in December, a warehouse containing parts for Shahed-136 drones, which are used for strikes against Ukraine, caught fire in the Alabuga economic zone in Russia.

In October, Ukrainian forces struck a storage base for 'Shaheds' near Yeysk in the Krasnodar region of Russia. There are satellite images of the affected Russian warehouses.

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