Государственные реестры снова готовы к работе после масштабной кибератаки. Сейчас идет актуализация данных, внесенных за время восстановления.

The infrastructure of government registries has been restored following the largest cyberattack by Russian forces. The registries are once again ready to operate.

This was reported by the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration and Minister of Justice Olha Stefanishyna.

The large-scale cyberattack on Ukraine's government registries: what is knownWhich government registries were targeted in the cyberattack and what is known about it – in the material by Slovo and Dilo.

“The Russians did not achieve their goal. We have methodically restored key registries for notaries, followed by the State Registration Office, the Unified State Register, and we have now completed the restoration of the final part of the registries. The final step is the updating of data entered during the restoration, which is already being handled by specialists from the executive service and private executors. I want to emphasize once again that the data of Ukrainians was not lost,” Stefanishyna wrote.

The Deputy Prime Minister also reported that cooperation with the head of the State Enterprise “National Information Systems” has been terminated. “The criminal proceedings that were initiated immediately after the attack are ongoing. An audit of NAIS was conducted for the first time, and it has already been completed. Additionally, an internal investigation is underway,” she added.

A professional network of cybersecurity specialists will also be established in all government institutions that process important data of Ukrainians. This will be part of the “Pentagon for government registries”.

Recall that on December 19, the Ministry of Justice announced that Ukraine had faced the largest cyberattack on government registries in recent times. The attack led to a temporary suspension of the work of the Unified and State Registries under the ministry's jurisdiction. According to the Security Service of Ukraine, the cyberattack was orchestrated by Russian intelligence services.

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