Individuals who have not accumulated the required insurance experience for ages 60, 63, and 65 can still apply for benefits, but in the form of a social pension.
If a Ukrainian citizen under 65 lacks at least 15 years of work experience, they may retire differently, receiving a social pension based on age. The amount is the difference between the subsistence minimum for individuals who have lost their ability to work (2,361 hryvnias) and the average family income per person over the last six months, capped at 3,028 hryvnias, as reported by "Diia" (Editor’s note: in Ukrainian version — "Дія").
However, such assistance may not be granted if:
Additionally, this social pension must be recalculated every six months, taking into account changes in property status and income.
Earlier, "Telegraph" reported that a 65-year-old Ukrainian could expect a pension of nearly 12,000 hryvnias even with minimal experience.